Eltrex Denmark
Eltrex Denmark with its office in Frederikssund is a member of the Eight Lakes group with 50+ years of experience in distribution, a global supplier base and supply chain, European warehousing infrastructure and a strong financial position. We are offering a comprehensive range of power supplies, connectors, cable assemblies, displays and computer boards.
Eltrex Denmark, founded January 1st 2025, was born from the acquisition of the Danish company formerly known as Power88. By combining strengths and expertise in distribution, technology and logistics, we provide the Danish industry with high quality standard and customized products at competitive prices.
Eltrex Denmark will be your partner for all types of power supplies, connectors and cable assemblies and displays in Scandinavia.

Careers at Eltrex Denmark
How about a career at Eltrex Denmark? Do you want to participate at a dynamic, innovative company, who would like to invest in you? We are always looking for enthusiastic people who want to strengthen our organisation.